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5 – Share and Multiply

Once your resource is finished, share it with others. Help it get translated, evaluate the FlashLab process, and celebrate!

Sharing your resource

Making something to share is at the heart of a FlashLab. We’re giving our creativity away for the sake of Jesus’ Kingdom.

Where to share

FlashLabs recommend sharing resources freely and widely. How you share is up to your team. You may already have a network, organization, church, denomination, or movement with which to share your resource. We have found that many people all over the world need resources they cannot afford to buy, so consider sharing freely - see the impact multiply!

You could also share it:

  • On – a free resource sharing site – see the FlashLab toolkit on how to upload to Max7.
  • On global sites – social media, chat apps, YouTube, etc. Be aware of any security implications or places where best not to share.


Your language is just one of 7,100 languages. Imagine how many more people would benefit from your hard work if it was available and shared in one other language? WOW!

How to translate

  • As you share your resource, invite those in your network who speak other languages to volunteer their time to help translate it!
  • Resources that are simple, and in a file format that is easy to translate, are much better for translators. Max7 has a team of volunteer translators who generously translate into over 40 languages.
  • Some resources in FlashLabs have been created without words. They can be used in any language!

Things to remember

  • If your resource is long and complex, it is less likely to be translated.
  • Avoid using difficult metaphors, idiomatic language, acronyms, or word and language related jokes. These are difficult to translate.


Learning and evaluating is a valuable last step. We need to keep observing and learning to improve the methods we use. Next time, our work will be better.

Short term

Take some time to discuss the FlashLab process:

  • What worked?
  • What could be improved?
  • What surprised you?
  • What new idea could we do next time?

Share your feedback with the facilitators of your FlashLab.

Longer term

Some of the team should be given the task of tracking how the resource has gone over time:

  • Is it working? Is it achieving the goal you had? How?
  • Is it multiplying?
  • Is it being used in a way you did not intend?
  • Has it led to new ideas?


Your FlashLab should finish with a celebration!

Some ways to celebrate

  • Have a meal together if you are all in the same place.
  • Pray to the Lord and give thanks for the work done and for each team member’s part.
  • Celebrate the difficult parts and share encouraging words with each other.

Thank you for being a part of FlashLab. Please share this booklet with others who might find it useful. We hope you are encouraged enough to do another FlashLab and see more tools, resources and translations serving the Kingdom worldwide.