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What is a FlashLab?

A FlashLab is a guided and collaborative process to rapidly create strategies or resources for communities worldwide. Everyone can offer their unique blend of gifts, passions, skills and interests to benefit the Body of Christ.

Why do a FlashLab?

There are many ways to make new tools and resources. FlashLab helps bring focus, energy and, most importantly, a short deadline to see it completed! How many times have we seen good ideas start, but never finish? FlashLab is designed to help you start, create and finish a new resource.

Where did it come from?

The FlashLab method developed globally as an experiment in March 2022, initially for, as:

  • A way to create new resources
  • Across a team of volunteers
  • That was spread across the world

In a month, 55 new resources were created and the FlashLab method was born!