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Every family

Through every church

To every community

São Paulo Statement on Families on Mission

God has created us to be in communities, the smallest of which are households. These combine with other families to form larger communities (villages, cities etc.).

Together, Christian homes form churches.

All these Christian families are called to be ‘on Mission’: shaping both the lives of their own families and the lives of others, being salt and light in society and calling each other to reflect the image of God.

What if every Christian household embraced being on Mission? What if all Churches supported those households to be on Mission so that the Church became what God intended the Church to be, together impacting wider communities?

What if, together, Christian households were like ‘cities on a hill’, shining light and bringing hope to others?

Such a vision calls for all Christian homes to be ‘Families on Mission’, reflecting the purpose, identity, and calling of Christian families.

We pray that we will let the love of Jesus into our homes to share His light with others.