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Who are we?

We are a partnering network of over 100 organisations, large and small, local and international, who have come together around children and the gospel. We adhere to the Lausanne Covenant in matters of Christian belief and seek to live out God’s kingdom values in all we do.

With two thirds of the world’s 2.2 billion children untouched by our current efforts, something has to change – quickly. As a result, we challenge each other to think Biblically about ministry with children, and to explore the best missional thinking from around the world. As we combine this with an environment of creative and innovative thinking, wonderful new ways of doing ministry with children, leaders, churches and families are emerging and being shared.

Technology allows people from around the world to continually work together on projects and explore new ideas. About every two years we have a larger global face-to-face gathering. Between these times, smaller groups convene as the need arises. We try to meet in different locations around the world in order to enable a wide variety of people to attend.

All this is done through servant-hearted, global partnering. Our desire is to see effective tools and innovative thinking readily available to the whole Body of Christ. On the GCF websites you will discover many resources and ministry models which are free of cost and copyright restrictions – please feel free to translate them, use them, improve them, add to them and pass them on to others.

We know we are not the only answer to the global challenge of evangelism and discipleship of children. We think of ourselves as yeast that helps the whole batch of dough rise. Although small, we seek to serve in such a way that every church and every organization can benefit from our efforts.

What we value

One another

Working together

Love and humility

Sharing generously

Courage and creativity

Strategic Priorities

The priority of GCF is to help God’s people to make disciples among children and help them to experience God’s shalom. Special attention is given to this within the context of family and children at risk. We believe the end-goal of this is to equip and encourage children to be active contributors to God’s mission and their community.

  1. Facilitate community to share knowledge and tools and opportunities
  2. Facilitate partnering to achieve more together than we can apart
  3. Encourage and facilitate a generous release of resources within an open-source framework
  4. Strengthen collaboration, especially around missional families
  5. Reshape leadership, integrating younger leaders
  6. Develop Learning Community regional pilots
  7. Expand the strategic scope of the GCF Leadership Experience (LE)
  8. Roll out FlashLab and other innovation tools