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Kids' Generosity Movement

Generous Children

We dream of seeing a world of generous children who become so generous with their time, talent and treasure, that their friends long to follow Jesus because they want to know the God who inspires such generosity. The vision is to see the generosity of God displayed through the generosity of God’s children. We envision a movement of children who give freely of all that they are in response to God’s radical grace. We pray they are liberated to live and give in God’s image to see God’s kingdom come on earth. The dream is to create cross-cultural experiences and resources with children about God and giving.


  • Strengthen relationships with likeminded leaders.
  • Create a unique name for the mission.
  • Create a few activities / experiences which could be rolled out, and tested around the world.
  • Create a core group of leaders willing to help test these experiences and resources in at least 10 different cultures around the world, refining the products, and then sharing it globally.