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Go Health & Fitness and

2023 Strategic Priorities

  1. Build the health and fitness team.
  2. Develop hubs for in the 12 Big Regions that the sports movement divide the world in.
  3. Create pathways for families and individuals that use and then learn and grow in other health and fitness models to make disciples for Jesus.
  4. Strategically work on how the health and fitness team can serve families on mission.

The collaborative development of began in early 2020. It helps your family to be fit and healthy, stay connected, and grow in character. It is an all-age strategy that is ideally suited to help your family grow together in faith and fitness. Each session is available both on the website and as a downloadable PDF. We have over 1,500 sessions available across 21 languages.

You and your family can use these sessions to connect in fun ways and exercise regularly in your house, apartment or local park. With a little creativity, everyone can be fit and healthy, stay connected, and grow in character and faith.