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Frequently Asked Questions

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Categories (FAQs)
  • Technical and Logistical (9)
  • Preparation and Pre-Training (4)
  • Personal Commitments and Flexibility (2)
  • Participation and Collaboration (4)
  • Ministry Impact and AI Application (2)
  • Language and Regional Support (7)
  • Academy and Course Expectations (7)

FAQ Results

Is there any certification for this?

This is not an academically recognized course. It is however a very practical ministry training course led by ministry practitioners. We will be able to give you a Certificate of Participation at the end if you fill in a questionnaire.

Can I access the content in any other languages?

At the moment we are not able to promise any translation, though will do our best to make things accessible in other languages. If you are able to help translate, please let us know. 

Can we represent Max7 in Nigeria (or any other country)?

Max7 is a open-source sharing website and not an organization. So anyone is able to share it, but it’s not like an organization that has staff or representatives.

Can I join Level 2 or Level 3 at a later time?

Due to the very large numbers registering, we have changed the levels so that everyone is able to access everything. Everyone will receive all information and you can choose how much you want to engage with it.

Will there be continuous collaboration after the Academy?

We do have an ongoing AI learning community you will be invited to join if you would like to stay connected after the Academy.

Do you help people produce and distribute their work?

We will give training, some coaching and help answer all the questions we can. We can also provide a place to share your resources freely. Beyond that we are not able to help.

I am not fluent in English. Will this be a problem in Zoom meetings?

It will be difficult to understand everything if you don’t speak English, though we do have speakers in other languages who may be willing to assist.

How long is this commitment?

The AI Academy is for five weeks. But how much time you put into it is entirely your choice. We will provide the best training and tools we can, and you can spend as much time and get as involved as you find helpful. 

How do I know I am registered?

If you get an email from us, then you are registered! Some people made mistakes in their email address in the Google Form, so if you know someone who didn’t get an email, please get them to redo the Google Form or contact us.

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