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Brazil 2023

Conference Goals and Outcomes

Information on the possible working groups and initial hoped-for outcomes:



Kingdom Collaboration
We want to see movements and agencies who are focused on children and families to be in dialogue, and plan what we can do together that we cannot each do alone.

  • Trust and clarity
  • Strategic plan
  • Increased reach / impact

Families on Mission (FOM)
Together we will imagine the impact of millions of families thinking and acting missionally. We will design ways to equip them, connect them, and motivate them.

  • Clarity on definitions, challenges and strategies to equip families to be on mission locally.
3Work groups
Out of these discussions will flow practical work groups to develop plans and practical projects.
  • A plan for each work team to continue the process after the face-to-face forum.
  • Each team contributes content to a FOM guide.
4Movement meetings
Each of the representative movements will have their own agenda, teams and synthesis of FOM to work through. Agenda notes for each movement are included below. (GCF, GOPlay, GO Health & Fitness, Generosity)
  • Agenda items for each movement clarified, scoped and moved forward.
5Family shapes and stages
Through the conference we will meet with others at a similar stage of life to wrestle with the threats and opportunities of this stage as they relate to FOM.
  • Each team contributes content to a FOM guide.

Share stories
Together we will share stories of families on mission and be inspired.

Pray for families everywhere and pray for each other in our challenges.

  • Trust, joy, and celebration.
  • A bank of stories as examples of families on mission (audio-visual and written).