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Developing Younger Leaders

The Global Children’s Forum (GCF) is a collaborative community of churches, ministries and organisations which longs to see children and families everywhere walking with Jesus, being nurtured in the love of God, to be all that He intends.

Children’s lives are shaped by family, media, church, school, peer pressure and contemporary culture. GCF seeks to be a selfless movement serving all these areas of influence in ways that help them to protect children and to help them to identify, shape and release their God-given potential.

Working alone, we scratch the surface of the challenge of making disciples of children around the world. As ministries, organisations and leaders connect and collaborate across the GCF community, there are increasing opportunities for younger leaders to join us.

In early 2022 a small group of leaders will meet to connect, pray and plan together, to focus on investing in a larger pool of leaders. Later in 2022, or early 2023, we plan to convene a larger forum of leaders, to equip them to promote the vision of seeing children everywhere walking with Jesus with many other partners.

GCF as a community:

  • is built on relationships of trust
  • is passionate about discipling children
  • trusts the Bible in all things
  • seeks the Kingdom of God and serves the Body of Christ
  • stimulates creative thinking and innovation
  • incubates and releases resources
  • multiplies and infects
  • values people and partnering
  • reflects global diversity
  • catalyzes locally birthed activity

We would love you to help shape the way forward and join us in this exciting next chapter for GCF. If these values excite you then please fill in the form below.

If you have questions please contact [email protected] to find out more.